Wednesday, December 23, 2015

#AdventWord #REFLECT - Shine Up Our Mirrors to the World

Today's #AdventWord is #REFLECT
I think they probably mean 'reflect upon', as in 'consider', but it made me think of reflections and mirrors instead. We always have a choice in what we reflect back upon the world from going through a particular experience, from hearing opinions difference from our own, from judgement, etc. It's good to consider that other people learn from us, and not just the young and super impressionable, but all people. They see how we behave, how we judge, how we carry ourselves, or how we act when others may or may not be in our presence. 
Then, I thought of Christmas and this seasonal time which includes so much shopping, traffic, interactions under stress, and more. People are pushed to the point of being frenzied. Our patience and limits are tested. "Being Christian" popped into my head. I've seen so many examples (on and off Facebook) of people pushed to the edge who show a passionate release of anger, general complaining, or overt harshness.The "crowd mentality" works both ways though - showing waves of those who express something people don't agree with and then the waves of reaction and commentary. Always the yin & yang.

"Being Christian" carries with it a world of meaning and actions, and, in my opinion, is supposed to promote a high regard for the well-being of all people. Guess what? Many other world religions are also centered upon the same principles of peace and brotherly love. In my situation in the U.S., I'm very fortunate to be able to worship easily and be at peace when and where I choose to pray or to attend church. The reflections around me now are usually strong and good, but they have not always been mirroring love and equal high regard for all people. Even in the U.S., it isn't always as easy for others in certain locations or if you are any sort of minority. Why is this? Who are our models? 

Who should they be? 

If we were all indeed reflecting the teaching of Christ all the time, then we might be in a better position to reflect his ways.The simple act of being Christian is an act of courage in places where Christianity is not welcome. Sometimes it can be a heavy task to NOT reflect what is around us. All the reflections over the ages have brought our world to the point we are now and are still messy, more like shards of glass reflecting in every direction. Still, this can create a natural collective beauty when the reflections and things we choose to mirror will be natural, uncontrived, and will lead us to eventual peace. We are still evolving in this world. Are we yet unfinished? Consider the powers of influence and actions and use them for good: as an individual, as an ideology, as a nation, as one world. The undisturbed reflection of the stalwart mountain below is from my visit to Zion Canyon in 2012. Simple, pure, and upside down. I find it just as beautiful as my usual conception of what a mountain "should be". 
Reflection of a mountain in a puddle at Zion Canyon, October 2012.
‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

#AdventWord #DESIRE - A Screaming Silence for Peace

Today's #AdventWord is #DESIRE
I feel very moved to share this photo today, taken by someone in the Anglican Diocese of Raiwind in Lahore, Pakistan. It shows a student standing in silent memorial yesterday, December 16th, 2015, on the first anniversary of one of the most horrific acts of terrorism and violence the country of Pakistan has experienced. On December 16th, 2014, 141 people were slaughtered in a violent extremist attack at the Army Public School in the city of Peshawar. 132 of those killed when the terrorists suddenly burst in and opened fire were children. 
They were all our brothers and sisters. 
Photo by Diocese of Raiwind (on their public FB page)
Imagine if you will, attending that school today. 
In silence, they prayed for peace.
Consider how resilient the students and staff are and how brave, how decidedly defiant of actions such as this. As pointed out by The Church of Pakistan - Pakistan is a nation of peace lovers, also fighting against terror. The Peshawar incident forced Pakistan at last to confront the Islamist militancy tearing at its own people, not to mention, the world. It enraged the public and politicians. It ignited more of a wide-spread desire to combat terror. I am more than thrilled to see several social media initiatives begun by concerned Muslims and other peace makers that say extremist terrorist actions do NOT represent them. Check out #NotInMyName if you have time. It is WELL worth it.

Other Articles and Info:
2014 Peshawar School Massacre - Wiki
Pakistan remembers Peshawar Army Public School attack - BBC
No end to Pakistan school's trauma, one year on - Al Jazeera

I didn't hear about this remembrance yesterday or the day before. It seems to be off of our US radar, but it shouldn't be (lots of things shouldn't be). I'm grateful to have met Bishop Samuel Azariah, Moderator of The Church of Pakistan and Bishop of Raiwind at the Episcopal 78th General Convention and I truly appreciate their diocesan facebook page - where I saw their post about the memorial yesterday. I follow them avidly and I am continually reminded that we are partners. WE make up the Anglican Communion, together. WE are brothers and sisters. I am examining new ways to become connected and to help foster awareness between partners in areas where connections seem infrequent. 
Here is some information about the Diocese, directly from their website: 

" The Church of Pakistan is the result of the union of four denominations: Anglicans, Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterians (Scottish), which took place in 1970. Initially, there were four dioceses in the Church of Pakistan, i.e. Karachi, Multan, Lahore and Sialkot, but in 1980, through a special resolution and for better ministerial work, four new dioceses were created: Hyderabad, Raiwind, Faisalabad and Peshawar. There is a presiding bishop for the Church of Pakistan who is known as the Moderator and has responsibility for a three year term. The united Church of Pakistan is the second largest church in the country after the Roman Catholic Church."

The Diocese of Raiwind experienced bombings in 2013 and 2014 and several bombings in the spring of 2015 that have remained in my thoughts. We lifted them in prayer at St. Paul's Episcopal. The two churches that were bombed in 2015 were St. John's Roman Catholic Church in Peshawar and Christ Church in Lahore (a Church of Pakistan church and a member of the Anglican Communion.) At the time, I couldn't get over how strong in spirit those affected were or how awful the situation had become with regards to religious intolerance. Just how does one recover from a suicide bombing and retain faith in the community? This kind of thing means that the community needs you even more.
Here is the link to the Diocese of Raiwind's Facebook post and their photos. They are so active in peacemaking and such a positive and beautiful tribute to purity of heart and action. They often hold educational gatherings and events to promote peace and well-being.
Dio of Raiwind FB page 
Both photos I've shared today move me tremendously. Because I love space, I also share NASA's image of our Earth from space, a space that, in silence, covers our joys, our sorrows, our successes, our downfalls, and by its very existence, silently screams for peace. May God have mercy on us and guide us through this Advent of Humanity until we reach his light of unity.
***** Basic info and some interesting statistics here about Christianity in Pakistan.
The Episcopal New Service article HERE about the 2015 Pakistani bombings is eye-opening. In 2013, there were also bombings in Peshawar and Lahore. An article by the Episcopal Digital Network has details HERE. In looking for other info about the bombings, I also found this.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

#AdventWord #INVITE - Angelic Giggles :-)

Today's #AdventWord is #INVITE - December 16, 2015
I invite you to giggle! Check out the expression on this paper plate angel hanging on our Advent/Christmas tree at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in New Orleans! SO HILARIOUS!

#Episcopal #Anglican #SSJE #EDOLA AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Everyone needs this....#BecauseScience :-) HAHAHAHAHA!
I think that John Venn would love this!

Actually, "a Venn diagram is a diagram representing mathematical or logical sets pictorially as circles or closed curves within an enclosing rectangle (the universal set), common elements of the sets being represented by the areas of overlap among the circles."

#AdventWord #LISTEN - Listen to Nature, for here are God's treasures

Today's #AdventWord is #LISTEN - December 15, 2015
Listen to the voices of nature: to pattering raindrops, squalling wind, falling snow, chirping birds, buzzing insects, murmuring springs, to the hum of life. Listen, for here are God's treasures. Listening will help us with ALL of the AdventWords we have had so far! 
Rain on the leaves outside a Province IV Synod mtg. at Kanuga in NC :-)
‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Monday, December 14, 2015

#AdventWord #ACCEPT - Monday, December 14, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #ACCEPT
Last year, I accepted being a dog magnet at my friend Sara's house with her doggies: Barley the lab and Bertie Bean, a Boston puppy and her daughter's doggie Maggie. This year, I accept being owned by a furry grey purr-monster named Bluebell :-)
I always accept the unconditional love of my furry friends :-)
‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The True Origin of Rose Gaudete Vestments

I HAD to do another #AdventWord for today! :-)
I #WONDER where Laetare / Gaudete rose vestments came from? HAHAHA!!!
Whoever made this one is a genius!

#AdventWord #WONDER - "I Wonder as I Wander"

Today's #AdventWord is #WONDER
This word, especially in the season of Advent, makes me immediately recall the choral piece I Wonder as I Wander. So, I share the text and two versions here. 
1. Sung by the classy Julie Andrews HERE
2. Choral version sung by the Cambridge Singers under John Rutter's direction - HERE
About I wonder as I Wander 
From John Jacob Niles' visit to Murphy, North Carolina in the early 1930's, and later published in his collection entitled, Songs of the Hill Folk, this song is hauntingly beautiful. A true Appalachian lament.

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How Jesus the Saviour did come for to die
For poor on'ry people like you and like I;
I wonder as I wander out under the sky

When Mary birthed Jesus 'twas in a cow's stall
With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all
But high from God's heaven, a star's light did fall
And the promise of ages it then did recall.

If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing
A star in the sky or a bird on the wing
Or all of God's Angels in heaven to sing
He surely could have it, 'cause he was the King

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How Jesus the Saviour did come for to die
For poor on'ry people like you and like I;
I wonder as I wander out under the sky
‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

#AdventWord #WAIT - Wait, but not too long!

Today's #AdventWord is #WAIT
Sometimes we wait for things to ripen or to be "ready", but be careful not to wait too long. Perhaps this will resonate with you: I hear that quote "life is what happens while you're making plans"... and I think: life is also happening while people wait and then wait too long, often forgetting what it was they were waiting for or even their hopes and dreams. I see people dying before they've tried what they wanted to try. Remember to actually DO or TRY some of the things on your bucket list as there are reasons why the items are listed! I see people waiting for the OTHER person to forgive, to change, or to grow in the direction the waiting individual feels is appropriate. For a while I waited, for someone, alone, trying too hard and being too worried about being on my own. Then, I realized that I didn't have a reason to wait. I had to go out and live. Most of the time, it is true that "a body at rest, stays at rest." I ended up being awesomely confident, still open to meet people at any time, and went on to finish graduate degrees and travel the world. Waiting itself isn't bad, but waiting for your life to "become" or "come to you" isn't necessarily going to happen. You must get out there and live it. In some of my favorite words from William Wallace (d. 1305)
"Every man dies. Not every many truly lives"
Let a little wind lift you so you can get moving. You never know how you may be transformed.
I went paragliding while in Slovenia!
‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Chicken Pesto Broccoli Deliciousness!!! Pure YUM!!!

I CANNOT believe how fantastic this meal turned out!! Chicken pesto turned into chicken/pesto/broccoli/ DELICIOUSNESS.
Here is how I made it, a spin off of several you'll find on the internets.

- chicken tenders, on the thin side is nice
- two packets of Knorr pesto sauce mix (has always been my fav)
- package of skim Mozzarella grated cheese
- Olive oil 
- cooking spray
- broccoli
- pine nuts
- spices I used were: salt, ground oregano, garlic powder
What to do:
- pre-heat over to 365 degrees F (just in case you think in Kelvin or other..)
- mix pesto packets in bowl with one cup water and 1/3 cup olive oil
- add pine nuts (as much as you like, I liked a LOT) and stir
- spray glass baking dish
- pour 1/4 bowl of your pesto mixture in glass dish
- lay the chicken strips on top of that
- dash with garlic powder
- dash with ground oregano
- pour the rest of your pesto mixture on top of the chicken. Some of it slid off so I scooped up some pine nuts to make sure they rested on top
- dash with salt
- COVER with aluminum foil
- Bake at 375 F for 25 min
- remove from oven and turn over the chicken strips which are not quite done
- re-scoop pine nuts so some are on top
- add one handful of finely chopped broccoli 
- bake 5-10 more minutes

- Remove from oven, remove foil
- add the rest of your broccoli now (I like crispy - or at least non-mushy broccoli)
- add your Mozzarella cheese. Add lots. Oh heck, live dangerously, add the whole package
- stir a tad and then drizzle a few spoonfuls of pesto sauce on the top
- broil for 3 minutes, watching it so it bubbles and boils and browns, BUT doesn't BURN.

- remove from oven
- bask in the glory that is chicken pesto broccoli deliciousness
- take pictures and post all over social media
- EAT, don't forget to eat.


#AdventWord #SHINE - Ponderings for December 11, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #SHINE

"In order for the light to shine so brightly, darkness must also be present"
~Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

It seems that we, as humans and as battling civilizations, we have spent much of our existence in the dark. I feel that even though we continue this, we live in an age of light, awareness, and knowledge. Now, though we struggle with darkness, absence of love, apathy, and the fear of the unknown, we live in the light. Christ gave us that. We are about to celebrate his light entering the world. In a way, it seems to make Advent a season of darkness, again - awaiting the light, especially because we have placed it at the time of year when night falls so rapidly and we are literally living in more darkness (at least until the winter solstice!) 

These words are all over Advent in the liturgy and in my musical selections so can't help but think of these words from Matthew 4:16 
"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

...and these from Isaiah 9:2-7 

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy;
they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest,
as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.

Venus and Crescent Moon: 12/7/15, Carson
‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

#AdventWord #DARE - Thursday, December 10, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #DARE
I LOVE this word! I offer to you Theodore Roosevelt's words:
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, 
because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
A little bug on a mountain overlook at St. Mary's, TN in June 2015.

I'm often struck by how small and fragile we humans are. Still, we have dared mighty things and continue to take those risks which advance humanity. 
Our very act of survival is daring! 
On a personal level, I have taken many risks which have brought me to today and I'm ever thankful I had enough guts for it all! Another of my favorite quotes is by Georgia O'Keeffe:

I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life - and 
I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.

While I haven't been terrified every day, there have been a-plenty!
Go ye and DARE to do something new today! :-)

#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Bluebell Snoozefest

It's a veritable Snoozefest over here right now and I'm not unhappy about it! This super sweet little kitten is completely sacked out. We played for an hour after I got home from choir rehearsal. Today, she destroyed a Christmas tree ornament. HA! I sort of knew it would happen eventually because the same ornament has been "falling down" daily. I should have moved it a bit higher. She's quite rambunctious, yet I'm truly enjoying having a kitty again :-)


#AdventWord #ASK - Prayers for Discernment

Today's #AdventWord is #ASK - December 9, 2015

I try to remember to ask for God's guidance along the many pathways I find in life. This past June, I found myself at Sewanee in Tennessee, walking between Stirling's Coffee House and another building. This pretty scene appeared before me and made me stop in my tracks. It hit me that we are always on a path in life, whether we know it or intend it, and whether we planned in advance for it or not. I ask God's guidance on my walk and I'm at a point now where that is a daily prayer....actually sometimes quite a few more times during some days!
Yesterday, I turned in a giant application for postulancy (with supporting documents) in The Episcopal Church. Our diocesan ministry conference is in early January so I will have interviews then (with Standing Commission and Commission on Ministry) and should know more throughout the month. I feel called to walk down the path to priesthood and have been in the discernment process for the past year - and for many years if truth be told. Many turns in God's road have brought me to this place in my being and time will tell where I walk from here. I haven't written about it here, so directly, until now, but most of my friends know of my journey. I have been blessed beyond belief with God's calling and such a wonderful and uplifting discernment committee process full of growth, the support of my friends and family, amazing segue's from one thing into another that I could never have predicted, spiritual growth, my spiritual director, my vestry's nomination, and so much more.

If you're reading this, I ask you for your prayers, good wishes, and positive thoughts!

‪#‎Episcopal‬ ‪#‎Anglican‬ ‪#‎SSJE‬ ‪#‎EDOLA‬ 
AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

#AdventWord #SURPRISE - December 8, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #SURPRISE - Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Practice random acts of kindness and you may not only surprise others, 
but yourself as well!
AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Moon and Venus, December 7, 2015

Canon Powershot 50X, not too shabby for a powershot!

#AdventWord #BE - Ponderings for Monday, December 7, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #BE

Have you ever rejoiced in the simple fact that you exist

What does it mean to take time to just "be".....not to "be with" or "be for" or "let it be". Think about it, we exist in a habitable zone at JUST the right distance from the Sun, and have had JUST the right amount of time to evolve into intelligent beings (though levels of intelligence are sometimes in question with all the messes we get ourselves into as a warming, violence, world strife and poverty.) Just HOW lucky are we? Our Sun and our Earth are actually an unlikely pair for supporting life. As a habit, we take many things for granted, including our existence.We would like to think that they will always be there...or perhaps even worse, we go about our daily lives, more than slightly oblivious to the precious and fragile nature of our lives. It would be reassuring to know that our galaxy is full of clever creatures and others with technology and that we might hope for communication. In fact, we do hope. 
However, for the present time, we are all we know. 
Made in the likeness of a divine being, God, we exist
Let us give thanks!

What makes Earth such a perfect home? Well, here are some reasons. 
Take a moment and tell those you love that you love them. Take a moment to say thanks to God, to family, friends, teachers, mentors, pets, and yourself. Consider all that God has blessed us with and meditate upon the fact that you exist. Be kind to one another, even if you disagree. Be a good citizen. Be a good neighbor. Grant yourself permission to rejoice in the wonder of life itself, the joy in all of creation, and the joy in one another. 

We are temporary.
We are fragile.
We are here together on this Pale Blue Dot

If that isn't something to be happy about, I don't know what is! 

AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Earth and aurora from the ISS

Sunday, December 6, 2015

#AdventWord #CARE - Sunday, December 6, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #CARE - Sunday, December 6, 2015

Take time to care for your spirit by caring for yourself. Sometimes mountains views and coffee help! :-)

Photo taken at St. Mary's Convent & Retreat Center in Sewanee, TN. 2015 
AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

#AdventWord #BELIEVE

Today's #AdventWord is #BELIEVE

AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

#AdventWord #SSJE

#AdventWord #WORSHIP

Today's #AdventWord is #WORSHIP - Friday, December 4, 2015

AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

#AdventWord #SSJE

Thursday, December 3, 2015

#AdventWord #REPENT - Simple Ponderings for December 3, 2015

Today's #AdventWord is #REPENT - December 3, 2015
I'm beginning today with the words of Br. Robert L'Esperance because they are better than anything I can come up with! AdventWord featured them on their calendar today!

"In Advent, we are called to more clearly engage the subject of God’s judgment; we are challenged to realize that we have sinned and are in need of God’s forgiveness. God’s judgment is his love and his truth. If we would hook into God’s love, we must walk through the door of repentance and forgiveness."
– Br. Robert L’Esperance

My ponderings: Repentance is sincere remorse or regret. It involves reviewing your actions and feeling regret or sorrow at something done or left undone. In exploring further, I found that it has been connected (perhaps a bit wrongly so, as in a slanted rhyme?) with the idea of having a "change of mind" which from Greek, is metanoia and THAT word is rather loaded with meanings. Metanoia leads to a process of positive psychological rebuilding or healing and does not necessarily have the layers of heaviness, sorrow, or regret associated with the word repent. I wonder how many times, Biblically, there are instances of the word "repent" used when a state of metanoia is required. Hmmm. 
Mind. Blown.
This is going to change the way I think about repentance in general and "turning" away from bad habits. It also makes me feel differently about our Episcopal Confession of Sin found in the Book of Common Prayer. Here is that text:

Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart; 
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. 
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. 
For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, 
have mercy on us and forgive us; 
that we may delight in your will, 
and walk in your ways, 
to the glory of your Name. 

Today, I'm also feeling this piece, the Canticle of "The Turning", an Irish tune, standing out in my thoughts so I will share it with you. It's actually not such a bad piece for Advent, although I slightly dislike both recordings. I have a unison version that I like so maybe we will sing it again soon at St. Paul's.

AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, photo post, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.

#AdventWord #SSJE

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

To sleep or not to sleep.....hmmm

I was getting ready to go to sleep, albeit a wee bit early, and I wondered where my kitten Bluebell was. It appears safer to stay awake for the moment, MWAH-HA-HA-HAAAA!

#AdventWord #FORGIVE

Today's #AdventWord is #FORGIVE - December 2, 2015
I believe that just as we sometimes need to practice gratitude, we must learn to practice forgiveness. What does it mean to practice forgiveness? How can you do that? What must one experience to warrant the need for forgiveness and why on Earth would anyone create situations just to practice it? How about we use "we" as a personally connecting word, so that if we see something that concerns us, we can consider forgiveness. I don't have superb answers...these are just a few of my elementary thoughts on the words forgive and forgiveness. I have MUCH to read and learn....and practice.
What comes to my mind is the June, 2015 incident in my beloved hometown of Charleston, SC - the shooting at Emanuel A.M.E. Church. As I was driving from Charleston to Columbia to visit friends after visiting my mother, I was struck with profound sadness and tears at hearing accounts from folks all over the area calling into a local radio station. I actually had to pull over and take a few moments to cry and to listen. I cannot imagine what the victims' families were experiencing and I haven't lived in Charleston for several years, but it still greatly affected me. In discussing the shooting which had occurred the evening before, there were many tears and many angry statements. What hit me even more than this was the absolute and deeply connecting love from Charlestonians who had woven themselves together as a tapestry after hurricane Hugo in 1989. All backgrounds, all statuses, etc. coming together. This was coming across from the callers. It was an unspoken bond, yet with their support and love for Emanuel and the city itself, the bond was louder than anything else. I was so proud of my city. It would not become, as some news sources seemed to try and manufacture, a breeding ground for a racial debate or any another battle. Charleston is a unified city. I'm in a unique position having experienced this and then seeing it these past ten years here in New Orleans after Katrina. Both places, very dear to my heart, have become wells of hope for the true meaning of the word community and all the positive trappings that come with that.
The Battery Palmettos, Charleston, SC. Photo: Caroline Carson, 
Love to the victims, love to Emanuel, love of God, love for Charleston, and knowing that LOVE will save us. Later that week, I watched on TV as the victims' families publicly stated their forgiveness of the shooter. I did not even know what to make of it. I mean, HOW IN THE WORLD does one forgive so quickly?! 

The timing seemed almost as unfathomable as the shooting itself. 

Realizing that they forgave, out loud and to all, this shooter - who had infiltrated and betrayed the very heart of their church's hospitable and open environment, It was probably the most powerful statement of modern forgiveness that I have ever really personally felt. This forgiveness needed the first step to be a leap of blind faith. It needed to be said, regardless of whether or not it would be immediately felt. It would come. 

Forgiveness does come. It is both unnerving and comforting. Do we deserve forgiveness? I think we do and maybe we should begin with allowing ourselves to forgive, even blindly at first.

I offer this quote from C.S. Lewis "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you."

AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Just take a picture and post it with the day's AdventWord tags! Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords.
#AdventWord #SSJE 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

HOORAY! It's December....oh wait...

Tired Caroline is tired.
'Tis December 1st - LET THE GAMES BEGIN! From now until some point during Christmas Day, many of us as musicians are booked every day, at least once and maybe several times for special events. When we’re not performing, we are rehearsing for all those extra holiday performances. Think also of clergy preparing multiple services, folks who work in retail, anyone who is “a public servant", basically anyone working while it's "vacation" time. There are so many people for whom I am very thankful! Everyone take care of yourselves and HANG IN THERE! 

Remember to be there for each other when the stress points of the season rise up! Thank a musician, thank a teacher, thank a Fed-Ex deliverer, thank a fireman! Prepare for late-night grading posts, even MORE coffee posts, the "I wish I had sleep" posts, and those ever-popular "laundry list of to-do" posts smile emoticon

#AdventWord #GIVE

December 1, 2015 - Today's #AdventWord is #GIVE
Give someone joy! Smile, jump, hug, listen, love, ask, blow bubbles! In all of the giving OF yourself, remember to give TO yourself: health, time, love. BE the goodness of God to all.I believe that one of the most precious things one can give is his/her time. As for me, I am forever grateful to my friends, especially my closest, who have given me their time and taken moments to catch up with me, to laugh, to share an adventure, to listen, or to share their own lives. One of my goals each day is to see how I can be more giving and more loving. Think of how valuable time is. Think of how short our lives are and how we occasionally seem to have so little time. I think of all that God continues to give to us and my mind is blown! This Advent, I hope you will join me in an effort to occasionally slow down and reflect and to give of yourself and to yourself.
- Blow big bubbles......more JOY!
JOY in San Francisco, photo by Caroline Carson
AdventWord was created by SSJE (The Society of St. John the Evangelist) and is the Anglican Communion's Global Advent Calendar. I'm using it as a daily meditation, prayer, and a way to connect in spirit to millions during this season of light and hope. You can join me in creating your own. Click HERE for their website and for their daily AdventWords. Also, HERE is a link to the entire calendar of words. #SSJE