Thursday, October 10, 2013

VSG 5-month Update

Hello Everyone!
I thought I'd write a 5-month VSG update because...........................................................
I HAVE MADE IT TO ONEderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  72 lbs lost and I'm now 198! WOOHOO!
This JUST happened so I am excited about it :-)

Shrinking me! Pictures from April, early August, and the end of September!
So, I've lost 72 lbs and I still would like to lose about 30 more....
I'm keeping watch on my neck to see if it becomes goosey and I'm also watching how my skin is sagging in some spots. I exercise, but I have a feeling that even with strenuous and regular programming, the tone may never be regained even if stronger muscles are developed. Under my arms will probably remain flabby. I've decided to see how it goes for a year or more after I'm done losing and then re-evaluate and decide whether or not I want anything done about the extra skin. It's my descision and as I do with many things, I'll deliberate before moving forward.
I've gone from a size 24 (and sometimes 26) to a size 18 and can feel some of the clothes I bought in September becoming lose already. I saw an awesome red and black velvety pair of snazzy pants last week and went ahead and bought them for when I am a 16.
A couple of people seem rather shocked at my weight loss even though they've seen me relatively often throughout the process. I'd be shocked too. Some have said "oh gosh, you shouldn't lose any more" and my response was "I'm still over 200 lbs"....followed by more shock :-) About 12-13 years ago, I made it down to 193 and before that, it was around 1994-8 that I was under that. I don't really feel very different except occasionally I feel "lighter" and walk "lighter".

I have noticed the following:

- People say I smile more. I'm actually not smiling more, it's just that my cheeks aren't so fat now and they can actually move the way they're supposed to
- One flight of steps is easier. The rest are the same crappy steps and asthmatic process
- I can cross my legs again. I LOVE this and I had missed it
- I have less padding so my butt sometimes hurts from sitting
- I always got cold in air conditioning, but now, outside heat bothers me a bit less - Y A Y ! ! !
- I still don't like eating in the morning and my sleeve doesn't seem to hold as much then....
- I do at least make an effort to eat breakfast though - and eat yoghurt voluntarily
- Airplane seats. HALLELUJAH, I CAN FIT!
- Stupid mini cans I used to make fun of are my friend when I want a Coke
- I seem to be able to wear more than just flat shoes again, YAY
- I can sit on the sofa with my legs curled up much easier now.
- I've actually packed my lunch like I used to do when I first began teaching HS in 1995. It's actually not a bad experience and when I have a bag full of tiny containers and snacks, I feel like a kid and it's rather fun :-)
- I can get a bag of things like mini Snickers or Peppermint Patties and be satisfied with ONE. That my friends, is a miracle. You might have noticed I'm drinking Coke and eating chocolate....and that won't stop....ever. I will not live in denial. This surgery has given me what I needed: portion CONTROL. The rest of what I eat is mostly healthy.

That's it for now :-) Soon, hopefully tomorrow, I'll finish my posts about hair loss and exactly what I'm eating these days! Certainly, I could NEVER have done this much weight loss, 72 lbs, without the aid of having a sleeve gastrectomy. I also certainly could NEVER have had the procedure done if I had not found ENDOBARIATRIC and Dr. ALVAREZ. He has been so helpful and encouraging!

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