Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Remembering Fanny Crosby

Today, celebrate the life of hymnwriter Fanny Crosby (Frances Jane van Alstyne 1820-1915). Although none of her hymns are in the 1982 Episcopal Hymnal, the "Lift Every Voice and Sing" supplement contains five, the most famous of which is probably "Blessed Assurance": 

# 29 – Near the Cross

# 122 – Close to Thee

# 129 – I Am Thine, O Lord

# 139 – Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior

# 184 – Blessed Assurance

* Here is more about Fanny and her work:

* A Collect:  O God, the blessed assurance of all who trust in thee: We give thee thanks for thy servant Fanny Crosby, who, though blind from infancy, beheld thy glory with great clarity of vision and spent her life giving voice to thy people’s heartfelt praise; and we pray that we, inspired by her words and example, may rejoice to sing of thy love, praising our Savior all the day long; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God in perfect harmony, now and for ever. Amen.

#Episcopal #Methodist #FannyCrosby #hymns #hymnwriters #music #gospel #BlessedAssurance

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