Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Prayer for Nepal and Ways to Help After the Earthquakes

Almighty God, you are our comfort and strength
in times of the onset of sudden disaster, crisis, or chaos. 
Surround with your branches of solace, those who suffer 
through earthquake, storm, fire or flood.
By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen, 
Sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild,
and fill them with the hope of the bright peace of new creation. 

HOW TO HELP NEPAL in the aftermath of two massive earthquakes:
If you can't get there or send materials to someone who is going, consider donating to one of the many international aid organizations. I donated to Episcopal Relief & Development
If possible, make contact with someone on the ground there who is a part of one of these international organizations. 

1. How to help Nepal: 7 vetted charities doing relief work  following the earthquake
2. How to help Nepal - via ABC News article 
3. Please consider keeping the people of Nepal and those processing and giving aid relief in your prayers.
4. Previous blog post: Help Nepal Earthquake Victims - Some World Aid Organizations Info and Links

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