Here are some Thanksgiving jokes and cartoons, collected via the "internets".
- Why can't you take a turkey to church? They use FOWL language.
- Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots.
- Why did the turkey cross the road? It was Thanksgiving and he wanted people to think that he was a chicken...
- What's a turkey's favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
- Why did the cranberries turn red? They saw the turkey dressing!
- What happened when the turkey got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
- What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo? A turkey that can pluck itself!
- What did baby corn say to mama corn? Where's popcorn?
- If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their AGE!
- What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children? "If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy!"
- Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside.
- What did the turkey say to the computer? Google, Google, Google...
- What's the difference between a pirate and a cranberry farmer? A pirate buries his treasure and a farmer treasures his berries.
- Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? The turKEY
- Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken's day off!
- What do you call the age of a pilgrim? Pilgrimage.
- What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving? A 'g'.
- Where do you find a turkey with no legs? Exactly where you left it.
- What kind of tan did pilgrims get at the beach? Puritan.
- What kind of face does a pilgrim make when he's in pain? Pil-grimace.
- What did the leftover turkey say when it was wrapped up and refrigerated? Foiled again.
- What sound does a space turkey make? Hubble, Hubble, Hubble...
- What would you get if you crossed a turkey with an evil spirit? A poultrygeist!
- What do you wear to Thanksgiving dinner? A Har- VEST.
- What did Hippies put on their Thanksgiving mashed potatoes? Groovy.
- How much did the Mayflower weigh? A Puri-ton.
- What's the sleepiest thing on the Thanksgiving dinner table? NAP-kins.
- What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi.
- What is a pumpkin's favorite sport? Squash.
- What does a golfer like to eat with his.her turkey on Thanksgiving? PAT-tatoes.
- Why did the Thanksgiving basket get into trouble at school? He was cornu-copying.