
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

An Alternate View: Heading to #GC78

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand... We're off! 
...into the wild Blue Book yonder... 
This is currently my view. Not too shabby.  I'm airborne, heading to the great Salt Lake City and contemplating all the things I'm going to learn about at the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church (DFMS). 
Salt Lake City's Salt Palace Convention Center         
I'll be completely honest: I'm SUPER EXCITED and a wee bit nervous too! 
I'm going as an alternate with my areas of selected interest being: Liturgy & Music, Communications, and Mission. My goal, wholeheartedly, is to serve as needed. 
I'll be taking tons of pictures for EDOLA (The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana), running our church FB, IG, Pinterest, & Twitter, writing updates, and interviewing some very kind and gracious folks while I'm there. This makes me SO HAPPY!!!
I will also be walking in a procession with the Bishops Against Gun Violence event next Sunday. (More on this very soon.) Speaking of bishops, I thought I had gotten a bishop- free flight today...
Just kidding! :-) I absolutely adore our bishop (Rt. Rev'd Morris K. Thompson) so am quite happy to share the friendly skies. A few others from our deputation are also on this same flight! 
Why would I be nervous about #GC78? I think that I always am a little bit nervous before any convention. This time, it's a HUGE one and I'm not yet quite sure how everything works: from exchanging my media credentials for deputy creds, when I'll be stepping into a deputy role, where things are, social time, what all is expected of me, trying to see dear friends who are going to be even more busy, etc. etc. I'm quite sure I'll feel very at ease in a day though!
What's extremely important for me, personally, while I'm in SLC?
- Seeing my church in action in all of its areas: bishops, priests, deacons, lay ministers, volunteers, worship services, meetings, legislation, procedure. That might seem nerdy, but so be it. I'm curious as to these proceedings and I want to learn more!
- The election of our next Presiding Bishop! I will truly miss PB Katharine Jefferts-Schori. 
I think she has done an amazing job and have the highest respect for her. I love her sermons and speeches, her writings, her diplomacy, her international peace making. I think we have four truly wonderful people being considered for the next PB. 
- Liturgy
I'm carrying with me the hopes of many that this convention will further inclusion of new liturgies, discussion, and more regarding liturgical inclusivity people of all sexual orientations. 
- Discernment 
In my own discernment process, I continue to live into my calling in various ways. Attending #GC78 is a phenomenal opportunity for me to learn so much about the inner workings of The Episcopal Church, observe many varied worship services and the fact that at large gatherings such as this - worship dominates these conventions. This experience will also allow me to meet tons of people and to ask them about their chosen paths. I can't wait!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaand so, I'm off to SLC! Stay tuned! :-)

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